01 The girl in the mirror


I remember when I realised that the portrayal of women in the media and the beauty standards that we are pressured to live up to was an issue bigger than I thought it was. I attended my friends daughters 10th birthday party. It was a pool party… something kids of that age should dream of! It should have been full of laughter and fun. Instead, I noticed the conversation surrounding the girls as they talked to each other. They conversed about their weight and certain foods that they shouldn’t be eating. I saw a few of them opt for the watermelon over the delicious looking chocolate crackles and I even heard one girl say to her friend, “you shouldn’t eat that because it will make you fat”. 

 This was when I realised something needed to change. 

 Female dissatisfaction with appearance and poor body image begins at a very early age. A recent Swedish study recognized that 81% of 10-year-old girls have dieted to loose weight, 41% of girls as young as 6 believe they are too fat and 8/10 adolescent girls are unhappy with what they see in the mirror. Research also indicates that among women over 18 looking at themselves in the mirror, at least 80% are unhappy with what they see. 

 What do you see when you look in the mirror? 

 A lot of us would see a negative, distorted version of the truth due to the way the media represents beauty and their unattainable, unrealistic version of perfection. 

 The reason I created this site was to change this. It was to defy these unrealistic expectations and create a safe space where we can redefine beauty. It is a place where you are encouraged to be your true and authentic self.  

You are welcomed JUST AS YOU ARE. You have the freedom to be 100% yourself. The goal is for women of ALL AGES to look in the mirror and see a strong, confident & beautiful woman. I want you to be encouraged, feel valued and know that you are worth more than diamonds. It is time to chuck the pressures and stereotypes out the window! Don’t waste another precious minute being at war with your body! Embrace it! Love it! It is the only one you are going to get. It is time to learn how to love, accept and BE yourself and embrace others to help them do the same thing.  


 In a world where you can be anything, be you.

Harmony xox


02 Improving your body image