02 Improving your body image
Body image refers to the way you perceive yourself when you look in the mirror and how this makes you feel about your shape, size, & physical appearance. It also (and equally as important) refers to the mental image you have of yourself, which alters the thoughts, feelings, & beliefs you have of yourself.
Having a POSITIVE body image means
you understand that you are not perfect and you don’t derive your worth from physical appearances.
You’re able to understand that we are all so unique & different and you recognise that our diverse make up is actually what makes us beautiful in our own individual way.
You are someone who believes beauty is not just something as temporary as looks, but something that shines far beyond they eyes cans see!
Having a NEGATIVE body image means
You have a poor sense of self worth.
You tend to seek for validation from others based on your appearances.
You believe you are only your looks and if you don’t look a certain way then you are unhappy.
You have a poor mental image of your self which distorts the thoughts, feelings & beliefs they have of themselves.
Do you have a positive or negative body image?
There is absolutely NO shame attached to this question! I remember when I had to confront the reality of having a negative body image and now I look back and I am so grateful I started the journey to loving the skin I’m in and appreciating my body for all it can do.
If you said you believe you have a negative body image, would you like to change that??
1. Speak positive confessions
Too often I hear women talk about their bodies in a negative way. Words are powerful; they’re either posion or fruit; they kill or give life- you choose. Change the way you speak to yourself and to others.
CHALLENGE: Instead of criticising your appearance when you look in the mirror, speak positive confessions! Tell yourself that you were marvellously made! That you are one of a kind!
2. Celebrate your body
Learn how to love and celebrate your body instead of hating/resenting it… celebrate your bodies capabilities, celebrate the uniqueness of your body, celebrate diversity!
3. Focus on positive qualities
Why is it so easy to compliment others, but when it comes to ourself we are so quick to point out flaws? CHALLENGE: Write down 3 things that you love about you. (Below is an image you can save to your photos and use to practice this!)
4. Identify & remove triggers
Certain situations, people, memories and habits can be triggers and have the ablity to cause you to engage in a cycle of negative self talk! DIG DEEPER! Understanding the trigger cycle and how these habits form is great to know when wanting to break the habit.
It is important to recognise & identify triggers and understand that these triggers can encourage the cycle to repeat itself. Create an alternative behaviour that you can engage in when you feel and notice the onset of a trigger! An alternate behaviour can be anything that will help you to get your focus away from the trigger and thinking better.
5. Surround yourself with positive people
Do you have people in your life that have a way of seeing the negative in absolutely everything? It can be so emotionally draining & depressing to interact with people like this. I believe that parts of our lives are a direct result of the choices we make and the people we surround ourselves with. This does not mean you need to cut these people out of your life for good… it just means that your should be mindful of the amount of time you spend with them. Set boundaries and place your time into people who are positive & uplifting
6. Develop a mantra/positive affirmation
Pick a word or phrase with meaning to you and each time you find yourself in a negative mindset, repeat your mantra or affirmation over and over until your thoughts begin to shift.
TIP: Display it somewhere you know you will look at every day to remind you!
7. limit social media activity
Social media is a tricky one- it helps us stay connected to loved ones as well as being able to engage with people who inspire us. HOWEVER, It has become a modern day way to compare ourselves to one another. Be mindful of who you follow- unfollow anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself and don’t be afraid to take a break from social media!
TIP: instagram allows you to set a daily reminder that tells you once you’ve reached the allocated online time you have set for yourself
OR Only use social media for a specified time e.g. from 7pm-8pm
8. practice gratitude
Research proves that those who intentionally practice gratitude have an improved sense of self worth & wellbeing, higher emotional capacity, a boost in their mental & physical health and it helps them cultivate genuine joy. I don’t know about you but I want to feel these things and live life to the full!
(Below is an image you can save to your photos and use to practice this!)
I hope these practical tips help you just like they helped me on my journey. If you are making the decision to consciously improve and transform your mental state and how you think about yourself (and others) then I congratulate you & I am so happy for you.
A friendly reminder: you are allowed to have good days and bad days. Enjoy the good days and don’t dwell on the bad days. Celebrate the small wins! You’ve got this!!
In a world where you can be anything, be you!
Harmony xox