As most of you would know (and if you are new here… hi! I’m sending you big virtual hugs hehe), I have gone on a long journey with my gut, skin & mental health. The best thing I learnt on this journey (and am still learning) was understanding the interrelation between my gut, mind and skin health and how they all affect each other simultaneously. After understanding this concept and growing my knowledge through the education I was receiving from professionals, I was better able to find the help I needed in order to heal… FULLY heal, from the inside out.

I met Hayley about a year ago and I have never turned back. She has taken my education and understanding of this topic to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. She explains this concept perfectly,

“I always say your skin is like the orange light going off in your car trying to tell you something is not quite right under the hood. There are silver linings to having a skin condition - as it can set you down the most educational and transformative path and introduces you to the best way to look after your skin/health!”

Your skins current state is an external sign of things that need help and healing internally.

I am truly so grateful for Hayley and her approach to health. She has helped me so much when it comes to this topic and has educated me through her wealth of knowledge. As I started to implement these learnings into all areas of my life (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) I started to notice a dramatic improvement in my health.

I am so inspired by her and her passion to help women who struggle with the same things I have- which is why I wanted to interview her and share her knowledge! I hope that these words help you as much as they helped me. 

Hayley is the owner of Solstice Skin, a naturopathic skin clinic in the eastern suburbs of Bondi. She is a qualified naturopath and also a corneotherapist (special type of skin therapist). She has an amazing team of 6 talented women that work alongside her at Solstice, including a naturopath, Mel, who I see. Hayley places a high importance in taking both internal (naturopath) and external (skincare, facials etc.) measures to heal your skin from the inside out. 

What are your passions? 

I love natural health, learning about the body and skin and ways to improve my evolution and consciousness as a human. I love self care - baths, burning palo santo, meditating, reading, yoga and thinking deeply about life. I’m prone to day dreaming ha. 

What is a skin naturopath?

I call myself a skin naturopath as I combine the external modality of corneotherapy with the internal modality of naturopathy. It’s a holistic way of treating skin. We do customised skincare prescriptions for our clients, facials and skin needling as well as naturopathic care. I believe in order to heal skin you can’t only just treat the physical but work on the mental, emotional and spiritual side of that individual too. We also have a kinesiologist who works at the clinic who assists with releasing emotional blocks that might be causing physical symptoms. 



  1. Diversity is key - diversity in the diet is key to create a diverse gut microbiome. Rotate different fruit and vegetables each week. Eat good quality protein, healthy carbohydrates and dose up on good fats!

  2. Reduce inflammatory foods- Keeping gluten, dairy, sugar and processed foods to a minimum. These are very inflammatory.

  3. Hydrate - Drinking 2.5L of water per day to help hydrate the gut.

    *It is important to note that we are all individuals and what works for one individual may not necessarily work for you. If you have gut symptoms, book in with Solstice’s naturopath Melissa to bring things back into balance - you don’t have to heal alone! She treats each case individually and will help your health flourish from the inside out.


  1. SKINCARE- Use medical grade, non toxic skincare that only uses therapeutic skin friendly ingredients. Feeding your skin the right nutrition means healthy functioning skin = healthy looking skin.

  2. LOOK DEEPER- Your inner health reflects your outer health. A healthy balanced diet and lifestyle as well as optimal gut, hormones, detox pathways, lymphatic system all plays a role in skin health. Naturopathic care can help optimise this.

  3. SELF TALK- Your skin is always listening to what your mind is telling it. Learning to love your skin and yourself is the best advice I can give. It’s not always easy but doing little things each day for yourself accumulates over time.


*Talk to us more about the interconnection between the mind and the gut and how they affect each other simultaneously…*

Ohhhh I love this topic! Ok I’m going to get scienc-y now. Your thoughts create chemical messengers within the body which bind to your cell receptors. These chemical messengers tell our cells to create certain proteins and influence our cell health. If we have healthy thoughts it’ll equal healthy cells. If we have negative thoughts it equals unhealthy cells. Our thoughts also switch our genes on/off so by shifting your thoughts you are shaping your genes. Letting my clients know they CAN heal and getting them to think that way rapidly speeds up their process. Mantras, affirmations and meditation is an integral part of our treatment prescription. 


*What is something you would recommend? Any treatments or particular skin products?*

Acne isn’t fun at the best of times let alone the evidence it leaves behind - post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scarring. We always prep our client skin with the skincare range we use Dermaviduals for 8 weeks prior to beginning skin needling. Skin needling is amazing at breaking down old scar tissues and laying down new collagen and elastin. It’s also helps shift pigmentation and retrains all your skin cells to behave better giving rise to healthy new skin cells. 


*What is your advice for girls coming off the pill who have previously experienced acne and are nervous/anxious about the effects coming off the pill will have on their skin?*

You don’t have to do it alone. We recommend anyone coming off the pill to see our naturopath Melissa who has had so much experience and helped 100s if not 1000s of women transition off the pill! 

Some women are scared to come off thinking their skin might flare but if you prep the body properly months prior and post you can have a much smoother transition. The pill does not ‘regulate your hormones’ it flatlines them so coming off the pill your brain and ovaries need to reestablish their connection that’s been shut off whilst on the pill. We can assist this wonderfully with nutritional and herbs.


We use the incredible skincare range Dermaviduals and I’ve used it myself for the past 5 years. It combines amazing science using plant based ingredients to get targeted therapeutic results.


Designs for Health collagen is incredible. 10g of collagen per scoop! I also love the Superfeast range. As a naturopath we don’t recommend self prescribing supplements for yourself as you want to make sure they are indicated for you and are good naturopathic quality.

Why are you passionate about helping women in the sphere of wellness; in particular with their skin and gut health? 

I’ve been learning about health for the past 8 years and there’s always still so much to learn. Naturopathy is this beautiful combination of evidence based medicine combined with traditional knowledge. I think helping women with their health is just as much an art form as it is a science. I have had my own personal journey with skin conditions and health issues so this has given me empathy for my clients I treat. We offer safe, long term results and education is at the core of what we do! Empowering women to take responsibility for their own health journey is the best thing we can give to them whilst also being that helping hand and cheer leader along the way. 

Skin is such a visual organ and it can have devastating effects on someones confidence. When they start getting results and their confidence grows - this is the best part of my job. 


*What is your advice for someone who is struggling mentally because of their skin condition?*

Seek help from a professional who can assist with the skin condition but also consider seeing a counsellor/kinesiologist to assist with the emotional aspect of things. Getting support can be so beneficial! 

I love sending clients powerful meditations they can do to help strengthen the mind/body connection which will speed up healing and also help shift your mindset during this healing phase. 

I always say your skin is like the orange light going off in your car trying to tell you something is not quite right under the hood. There are silver linings to having a skin condition - as it can set you down the most educational and transformative path and introduces you to the best way to look after your skin/health! 

Favourite thing about being a woman?

Every god dam thing! Our intuitive and caring nature and the supportive sisterhood. I don’t know where I would be without the women in my life. 

What do you believe makes a woman beautiful? 

Their soul. Their imperfections. Their strength. Woman are so inspiring!

What is one piece of advice you would give to women of all ages? (Or what’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?) 

Have fun every day! When you're having fun and enjoying what you do you are naturally attracting and manifesting good things into your life. Listen to your intuition on things. If something feels right deep down to your core - do it. If not - don’t. I always take myself to a quiet place and listen to my body before making a big decision. It’s never let me down so far! 

Hayley has many outlets where you are able to stay updated and continue educating yourself! I will link them below. I’d also highly recommend you book in a consult with Hayley or anyone on her team (I go between Hayley & Danika- they are all amazing though) if you wish to seek professional help and heal your skin from the inside, out!


Jeyźa’s story